Saturday 16 February 2013


A high lord thuds past glade and wood
on his grey mare to greet the sage.
Its stately hoof strikes a mossy oak root
the jolt hurls Mera; his rent brow seeps.
Eyes dim in swoon; wings gift him life
he soars to realms where swan maids dwell.
Glass halls beam stars; the holy birds chant
harps wake old spells of trance and love.
As Zefa sews lace her kin bless oil
it seals raw flesh; joy buds with sun.
Gems trim her curls; he kneels to wed.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Phillipa, just wanted to let you know that since my Sparkles are no longer broken, I now have a new place. I hope you could follow me here too! Regards, Blaga
