Saturday, 13 July 2013


The ruby lord prays by thrones of old
and calls their powers to rest on man.
A jet case parts; his sceptre blasts realms
his regal chest bears a vivid red rose.
It strews blood mist; the sick moon beams
she sears grey troops who stab her grace.
In rent, jade woods a holly shrub winks
As waves hurl ships that guard God's fleece.

Friday, 12 July 2013


The night lord robes a dryad in trance
He sways her soul with hymns and lauds
to seek his isle where love hones crowns.
As pink stars twirl they spin lace trains
the sun priest seals vows willed by light.
But tree maids sail to realms of grief
and bathe their heads in pure gilt tears.
The fell moon glares and scorns raw pleas
to loose God's prize he ripped with guile.
His white cape melts; a green skull roars
ire stabs black waves; ten sea fiends rise
Their tails rend wood; souls plunge and rot.