Wednesday, 24 April 2013


A lilac gauze robes skies flecked with gilt
as angel wings part the swirls of wool.
Pink sun hones pearls and sprays red gems
a white cross weeps; jewels fuse in crowns.
The seraph glides worlds to seek his queen
his breath rains bliss; grace swathes a heart.
He crowns God's prize; her lowly form melts
Love signs her eyes so mystic life buds.

Wednesday, 17 April 2013


The sky ghoul booms and gores a star
His sword clouds mock as halo maids flee.
Waves boil to dross; hills writhe in shards
a toxic eyes whirls; moon glory is mauled.
But ochre lakes chime where blue steeds rest
and peace birds drape a foal with light.
The young prince hails his court of love
chants fool black darts to rend their foe
That holy foal weeps; his star glides high.

Thursday, 11 April 2013


A fairy tribe glides past silver night robes
trance drapes the moon; wings bow to caress
skies tipped with jade and mystic veiled coves.
As tangos twirl gowns the merry sea jives
its magic depths bear a host of blooms.
Their purple cloaks part for pearls to spray
an angel choir soars and breathes our pangs
Their aloe crowns rain; welts of shame die.

Friday, 5 April 2013


A red shade prowls by gates of gilt
he whips his cape and lava boils air.
Hope flails in shreds; the white maid sighs
her grey horse pounds as briar shoots darts.
She chants old hymns; a chalice brims light
and bathes her head with sweet mauve springs.
The mortal curse cracks for grace to blaze
a holy seed bursts in her chaste womb
the signed babe prays; an opal rose gleams.